General Information

You can win a 7 days stay at ‘The Reef Pure living’ with a rental car from ‘The Reef Car Rental’. ‘The Reef’ is located on ‘Blue Bay beach and golf resort’, one the most beautiful resorts of the island. The action is an all around package, upon arrival you will be picked up and brought to the accommodation. You will also get a dinner surprise in one of Curaçao’s many restaurants (the restaurant will be determined later).

Pratical information:

  • The action runs until August 31, 24:00 Atlantic Standard Time (AST)
  • Your stay can take place between March and June, 2023.
  • It is a two bedroom apartment with a sofa with an extra fold away bed. So 5 people is the maximum  capacity.
  • The package does not include flight tickets.
  • If you have small children who will be joining you on this trip, please  inform us in advance.
  • The give away price is for personal use only, there is no handing over or refund when unable to attend.
  • The winner will be announced on September 1, on our social media.
  • The winner will also receive a personal email